Climate Change

The world is not short of far-fetched ideas for transformative zero-emissions power stations. But while airborne drone-supported windfarms and dubious cold fusion generators are certainly nice to haves, they're not quite as bold as locating the power station itself outside Earth's atmosphere.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a longtime member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, recently brushed aside concern that the wildfires currently scorching across his state and causing millions of dollars of damage have anything to do with climate change.
Terraforming is not science fiction but reality: humans are remaking the surface of our planet. We are altering the composition of the planet's atmosphere and fundamentally changing the entire global climate.
It's not that Nate revealed himself to be a climate change denier in his new book, The Signal and the Noise. But he falls victim to a fallacy that's all too common among those who view the issue through the prism of economics rather than science.
Last week, 50,000 people gathered in a Nevada desert for Burning Man. "Why aren't you at Burning Man right now?" is a common question asked of those who are not there. Here -- "party pooper" alert -- is my answer.
The WHO estimates that climate change is already responsible for 150,000 deaths annually. This is the actual nightmarish "movie" of our times. This is what our less-than-intelligent machines have actually wrought.