CBS News President Neeraj Khemlani may have telegraphed the controversial hiring of former Trump official Mulvaney in a leaked recording.
The comparison was one of many made in the media that have been criticized as racist and dehumanizing.
The poll comes amid Republican-led efforts to ban books from school libraries across the country.
“Our north star has always been staying true to our characters," showrunner Steve Binder said.
“You were heard,” the actor wrote after CBS decided to retool the series as a documentary.
The show's creator said he nearly quit until the network let him keep searching for the right actor.
The upcoming show will abandon its competition format and be retooled as a documentary special.
The new show, produced by Global Citizen, will feature co-hosts Usher, Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Julianne Hough.
Believe it or not, CBS passed on the show after seeing this.
The comedian said "none" of her questions to her former co-host about Piers Morgan and Meghan Markle came from CBS executives.