House Of Representatives

Is divorce next for Kevin McCarthy’s replacement?
GOP Rep. Max Miller of Ohio made the allegation not long before Santos was expelled from Congress.
The GOP congressman, likely out of a job soon, lashed out at his colleagues during a lengthy interview.
The GOP congressman “blatantly stole from his campaign,” and “the most appropriate punishment is expulsion,” said Rep. Michael Guest (R-Miss.).
House Democrats provided most of the support for Johnson’s stopgap funding bill, which GOP spending foes said didn't do anything to cut spending.
After opponents complained of intimidation tactics by his allies, the Ohio Republican saw his vote tally shrink for a second time in a row.
It’s the latest twist in the contentious intra-party feud that has consumed House Republicans since the unprecedented removal of Kevin McCarthy.
Republicans have nominated Rep. Jim Jordan for the post, but so far he appears well short of the 217 votes required to get the speaker's gavel.
Kevin McCarthy, now just another U.S. representative, presented a televised response plan on Hamas’ attack in Israel.
Some members of the GOP are wondering if anyone can take Kevin McCarthy's place as a fundraising dynamo and party builder.