Japan: Toddler Survives Being Run Over By Train

Japan: Toddler Survives Being Run Over By Train

A 15-month-old Japanese toddler who walked onto train tracks near her house survived with only minor scratches after a train came to a halt on top of her, the AFP reported.

The driver saw the girl standing on the tracks north west of Tokyo in Suzaka City, and brought the train to a screeching halt by pressing the emergency brakes, the AFP reported.

The girl was alive and lived because she was trapped in the 50-centimeter gap between the train and the tracks, rescuers told PTI.

"The train pushed her along the level crossing and dropped her into a pit between the rails," Fuji Yoshida police spokesman Kenichi Nagata told PTI

"It could have been a tragedy. It's a miracle that she survived this way," a rescue worker told the TV Asahi network.

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