Andrew Romanoff, Michael Bennet Support Divided Along Racial Lines

Andrew Romanoff, Michael Bennet Support Divided Along Racial Lines

In the third installment of a series of polls on Colorado political races, Public Policy Polling (PPP) released the results of a survey analyzing head-to-head senate races within each party.

The poll, which was conducted March 5-8, and has a 4.1% margin for error, found Michael Bennet with a 40%-34% lead over Andrew Romanoff among likely Democratic voters. His lead was roughly the same among people who call themselves moderates and people who call themselves liberals. Latinos, who made up roughly 17% of the overall electorate in 2008, were more likely to support Romanoff.

Heading into Tuesday's Caucuses--which will determine whose names will appear on the ballot for the primaries in August--Bennet enjoys a significant fundraising advantage and the support of most state-wide public officials and congressmen. Romanoff, the former Majority Leader of the State House has the support of more state legislators.

On the Republican side, Jane Norton holds a commanding lead over her opponents Ken Buck and Tom Wiens despite an estimated 26% disapproval rating among GOP voters. Only 34% of self-described conservatives approve of Norton.

Norton holds a 34%-17% lead over her closest competitor, Weld County DA Ken Buck.


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