Dean Kamen On Colbert Report: Segway Inventor Has New Device For Injured Troops (VIDEO)

Dean Kamen On Colbert Report: Segway Inventor Has New Device For Injured Troops (VIDEO)

Last night on the Colbert Report, Dean Kamen, the inventor of the Segway, showed off a new advanced prosthetic arm he's developed to help people with missing limbs -- specifically injured U.S. troops.

Kamen explains how he ended up developing the remarkable technology, which allows users to control the thumb on the prosthetic hand, enabling them to pick up small items and grip sensitive objects without breaking them.

Kamen showed very touching footage of a soldier using the device to feed himself for the first 19 years. (Colbert, of course, couldn't resist poking some fun of Kamen, observing at the beginning of the interview: "Let's talk about what you're wearing there -- you have a denim shirt and jeans.")

WATCH: (scroll down further for Kamen's TED talk)

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