Newspaper Recycling Tips For Home Projects

10 Ways To Repurpose Newspaper Around The House

It seems that these days, newspapers are heading in the same direction as our old friend the Dodo. Circulation of all things printed has plummeted. More and more people are turning to the Internet as their source of “culture” and current events (oh, hello there!).

Still, there’s something sort of precious about real, in-hand, black and grey newsprint; a graphic puzzle of words on that soft, smudgy paper. I can’t imagine that it will ever completely disappear. Some folks just refuse to forgo their Sunday Times, and coffee shops from Seattle to San Antonio will always stock their local “weekly” – that single-folded, stylistically-similar-yet-regionally-distinct entertainment guide.

So there will always be newspapers, and thus there will always be need for green disposal of said newspapers. Here I list my top ten practical repurposings. That means I’m not going to get into the hundreds of incredible, artistic craft projects that involve newspaper. (Though there are many, and they are great – Google around for them). Conversely, this list would be twice as long if I included such revolutionary ideas as, “Line your pet cage!” or “Start a fire!” But you don’t need me to give you those sorts of instructions, right?

These ideas are actually creative and actually useful and may actually save you some money by replacing something you already use, making them actually eco-friendly. Ready? Here we go!

Or you can just go old school: Fold a paper hat. Build a fort. Guard against marauding scallywags.

Go on, make a day of it.

List and captions courtesy of Networx

Repurposed newspaper

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