David Blaine Shark Trick: Illusionist Seems To Swim With A Great White Shark In 'Dressed For Dinner' (VIDEO)

Is This Man Actually Swimming With A Great White Shark?

David Blaine. You probably haven't thought of him or his potentially fatal shenanigans lately, but you will soon think of nothing else. Your Google search history will be a witness! The illusionist/endurance artist just uploaded a video on his YouTube account that seems to show him swimming with a Great White shark. He wears a rotation of outfits: a tux, a Hawaiian shirt, and a red cape that looks distressingly like a pool of blood. Called "Dressed For Dinner" (get it? He is the dinner!), the video by directors Adam Kimmel and Bob Talbot comes with very little explanation, only the line: "David goes swimming with Great White sharks off the coast of Guadeloupe." Take a look below.


The bit about smoking a cigar underwater, as some commenters noted, seems a giveaway that Blaine is honoring his illusionist duties over his endurance artist ones. As for how the effect might have been done, this 1928 British video of a man smoking a pipe with the fishes offers an option.

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