Low Sex Drive? The Reason May Be In Your Medicine Chest

Low Libido? The Reason May Be In Your Medicine Chest

Many midlifers complain that their sex drive diminishes with age. What they may not realize is that some of the blame rests with what's in their medicine cabinets.

Dr. Lynne Shuster, the founding director of the Women's Health Clinic at the Mayo Clinic, says there are many prescription drugs that are commonly prescribed for post 50s that adversely impact a person's interest in and ability to have sex.

She cautions that a diminished sex drive may not be reason enough to discontinue a needed drug, but that it's absolutely worth having a conversation with your doctor about the issue. "There are often other medications that can be substituted that would not have this unwanted side effect," she said. And while ads abound encouraging men to speak with their doctors about erectile dysfunction, it is rare to come upon anything suggesting women with a low libido consult with their physicians.

"Women absolutely need to come forward with this. If it's a problem for you, talk to your doctor," says Shuster. Some medications can adversely impact the ability to become aroused or reach orgasm. They work on both the brain and the genital tissues, she said. "If someone was having pleasurable sex before taking this medicine and then all of a sudden can't have an orgasm or has no desire to have sex, there certainly would appear to be a link," Shuster said. "They should talk to their doctor."

Check out our slideshow below for four types of medication that can reduce libido, according to Dr. Shuster.


Medications That Can Affect Libido

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