Tiniest Kitten Meows, Throws Hat In The Ring For Cutest Kitty Ever (VIDEO)

Cutest Kitty Ever? Watch This Video And Decide

Oh, Perez Hilton, you've done it again. The colorful, brash celebrity kingmaker has found a new star, albeit a tiny one, in an utterly adorable, ridiculously tiny kitten.

In this video, posted on Hilton's spinoff site Teddy Hilton, a white and tawny kitten crawls along a pink bedspread making a meowing sound so high-pitched it's more of a squeak than anything else. This kitten gives new meaning to Jezebel's cute animal section, "Squee."

Last summer, BuzzFeed claimed one kitty The Cutest Kitten In The World, "end of discussion." Well, Buzzfeed, consider the discussion reopen.

Cute cats have been getting some serious attention lately with video after video of the pint-sized furballs going viral. (There's even an Internet cat video film festival set to take place in Minneapolis, Minn., later this month.)

With clips showing a kitten going crazy for a bottle of milk, a striped kitten playing with a feather, or an almost painfully adorable group of kittens waking up from a nap, the Internet if chock full of opportunities to indulge one's need for everything kitty.

To this end, The Huffington Post has you covered with the HuffPost Kittens page devoted solely to the fabulous felines.

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