You Know What Turns an Unstable Relationship into a Stable One? Not a Wedding Ring

Marrying Young Won't Make Your Relationship Better

I'm beginning to wonder if the folks that write for the Knot Yet website simply have an unnatural affection for going to weddings. The site, which purports to be about the “benefits and costs of delayed marriage in America,” is really mostly about the costs—reading it is like talking to your delusional grandmother who has convinced herself that you could still be a virgin on your wedding day.

This recent blog entry by Amber Lapp is typical. Lapp rejects sociologist Andrew Cherlin's proposal that "we" should be just as interested in encouraging stable cohabitation as marriage. Lapp is skeptical, because most Americans claim to want to be married, and so she thinks if they're not, that inherently makes their relationships less stable. She cites her neighbors to bolster her argument...

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