'Ugly Woman' Painting Baffles Couple After It's Sent To Their Home

LOOK: 'Ugly Woman' Painting Baffles Couple

A couple was left baffled and a bit aghast when a painting of an "ugly woman" showed up at their doorstep.

"It [has] no artist's name on it and no title, but it is of this rather unpleasant looking old lady with a hooked nose," Keith Webb, the less-than-enthusiastic new owner of the painting, told the BBC. "It's a painting of such a horrid old crone - my wife won't have it in the house."

The painting was addressed to Webb, but it had no return address. Webb said none of his known relatives have recently died, so it's unlikely the painting was bequeathed to him.

The couple could sell it, but not for much, according to ThisIsHampshire.net.

"It's not very valuable, about £200 [$320] apparently," Webb said.

Webb hopes publicity will generate some leads on where the painting came from, according to the Independent.

"It's just a total mystery," Webb said.

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