This Road Leads To Breast Cancer Awareness In A Cool Way (VIDEO)

WATCH: Pink Ribbon Highway Drives Home Powerful Message

The surface of a highway ramp may be an unlikely place to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but if the road is shaped like a ribbon, it can work wonders.

Watch above as the Icelandic Cancer Society and Brandenburg ad agency unite to paint a traffic loop in the city of Reykjavik pink. What at first seems like a modest awareness-raising event turns into something novel when seen from above.

Calling attention to the disease carries special significance on the island nation. Iceland has the sixth-highest breast cancer rate globally.

The disease, however, is a threat everywhere. According to the World Health Organization, nearly 1.4 million people are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and 458,000 die from it. Early detection and treatment provide a "good chance" for a cure, the website notes.

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