13 Photos Of Japanese Vacation Spots Reveal A Very Different View Of Relaxation

13 Photos Of Japanese Vacation Spots Reveal A Very Different View Of Relaxation

Japanese photographer Nobuto Osakabe's series "Holiday Making" captures popular relaxation destinations sprinkled around Japan, from pristine snowy mountains to cherry blossom-filled parks. Also, as you may have noticed, these locales for "unwinding" are swarming with crowds.


The serene landscapes are actually barely visible beneath the bustling hoards of visitors, who themselves seem unbothered by the lack of personal space present during their personal days. Human bodies are shown strewn about over the stretches of sand, grass and snow, sometimes completely masking the original sites of beauty with a stampede of human flesh.

While to many American eyes this onslaught of fellow citizens enjoying their days off triggers a degree of panic normally felt only at amusement parks or perhaps the line for the "Rain Room," Osakabe explained how Japanese culture treasures this group dynamic.

"Japanese people tend to feel comfortable when they are in groups," Osakabe said in an email to The Huffington Post. "Many people go to the same places and do the same things."


Osakabe's leisurely visions capture idyllic locales that would often be associated with peace and solitude, yet instead are buzzing with packs of people. Appearing almost miniature from the perspective of the camera, Osakabe's crowds form patterns and shapes that challenge our assumptions of personal choice and freedom. While we may regard our dreams of the perfect day off as unique musings, Osakabe depicts our greatest moments of personal freedom with the monotonous predictability of a Ford Model T line.

See Japan's most relaxing, and potentially claustrophobic, sites below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.












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