This Memo About The Internet From 20 Years Ago Is Hilarious Proof That Times Have Changed

LOOK: The Internet Came, 20 Years Ago

It's hard to imagine a time when the internet did not rule the world and everything in it, but NPR just gave us a little reminder.

This memo was sent to the NPR staff exactly 20 years ago today to warn staffers that this wild thing called the "Internet" was coming!

npr internet

A few of our favorite parts:

  • “The internet is a collection of computer networks that is connected around the world."
  • There is something called EMAIL. EMAIL is very powerful. If you want to get EMAIL, you must attend a one hour training session.
  • "The term 'organization' is used loosely to refer to the Internet."
  • "To some, this will be long-awaited, good news; to others, it won't mean much."

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