Absurd Japanese Commercial For Ab Machine Gives A Whole New Meaning To "Flat Abs Fast"

You've Never Seen An Ab Workout Like This...

For all you exercise fiends, the verdict is finally in: you do NOT have to be up in the gym to work on your fitness (sorry, Fergie) -- at least in this Japanese advertisement for the ab machine, Wonder Core.

In the bizarre world of this commercial, you can be anywhere and still get killer abs. You can even fall down in ridiculous ways, and on the way up, do a perfect crunch as if your life depended on it -- and then give a sassy sidelong glance to the camera.

And, if you're feeling an epic slow-motion demonstration of the Wonder Core, look no further than this:

Before You Go

Bent-Knee Pilates Hundred

The 4 Best Exercises for Your Core That Aren't Crunches

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