Stress Tip: Resist The Urge To Be Busy

To Be A Better Leader, Try Going Off The Grid

For 30 days, GPS for the Soul and meQuilibrium are providing you tips on how to live a healthier, happier and stress-free life. See the previous stress tips here.

meq tip 17

Juggling everything is exhausting -- and it weakens your connection to purpose. When you let busyness (and ensuing stress) consume you, you max out your mental resources long before you've lived up to your potential. But busyness is a fact of life, so how do you step away from the constant clamor without everything going up in flames? You do that by maintaining quiet, focused time for yourself in which to reflect, recharge and let your mind wander -- and guarding that precious time like it's your job.

It takes courage and discipline to "do nothing," but it's vital. Without the freedom to daydream, you fail to stoke the flames of your hopes and dreams -- the very things that can keep you going. Your job in life isn't just to clean up the bad. You need time to pay attention to the good. Schedule a 20-minute block of time today to let your body and mind go off the grid. This is not the time to solve problems directly, but to brainstorm, think out of the box, imagine. You owe yourself that much.

Read more about how doing nothing makes you a better leader.

--Posted by Lindsay Holmes

Before You Go

Living your life and chasing your ambitions can be thrilling, not stressful.

meQuilibrium's 10 Principles For Less Stress: A GPS Guide


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