
Carolyn Sharp

Author, 'Wrestling the Word: The Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Believer'

Carolyn J. Sharp is an Episcopal priest and professor of Hebrew Scriptures at Yale Divinity School.

Professor Sharp’s research explores aspects of the composition and theology of Hebrew Scripture texts. Her first book, "Prophecy and Ideology in Jeremiah" (2003), treats literary-critical issues in Jeremiah as revelatory of a post-exilic power struggle over the prophet’s legacy. Her "Irony and Meaning in the Hebrew Bible" (2009) explores literary and hermeneutical issues regarding irony in biblical texts, and "Old Testament Prophets for Today" (2009) offers theological reflections on the prophets in terms accessible to readers with little or no biblical training. Her "Wrestling the Word: The Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Believer" (2010) addresses historical, literary and ideological-critical issues in Hebrew Scripture studies for the seminary classroom.

Her current projects include a commentary on Joshua (Smyth & Helwys) and a commentary on Jeremiah 26-52 (Kohlhammer). Sharp, an Episcopal deacon looking forward to ordination to the priesthood in April 2012, regularly leads parish study groups on biblical theology.