
Catherine Lutz

Catherine Lutz

Catherine Lutz is the Thomas J. Watson, Jr. Family Professor at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies and Department of Anthropology. Her most recent books include Breaking Ranks (California, 2010) with Matthew Gutmann, Carjacked (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) with Anne Fernandez, The Bases of Empire (New York University Press, 2009), Local Democracy under Siege (New York University, 2007, winner of a Society for the Anthropology of North America book award), and Homefront (Beacon Press, 2001, winner of the Leeds Prize and the Victor Turner Prize). Others include Reading National Geographic (Chicago, 1993) with Jane Collins, and Unnatural Emotions (Chicago, 1988). She is past president of the American Ethnological Society, the largest organization of cultural anthropologists in the U.S. and a Guggenheim Fellow. The Costs of War Project, which she co-directs with Neta Crawford, can be accessed at