
Marc Berman

Editor in Chief, Programming Insider

Marc Berman is the founder and Editor-in-Chief for Programming Insider, the daily destination for network, cable, syndication, digital, social media and more (complete with daily ratings, breaking news, scheduling updates, show reviews and more). Berman has been writing professionally since 1999, including current weekly column Mr. Television in Campaign US, and pieces in Watch!, The New York Daily News, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, Emmy Magazine and C21 International, among others. He has also appeared on “Entertainment Tonight,” “Extra,” “Access Hollywood,” “Inside Edition,” “The CBS Evening News,” E!, CNN, CNBC, Fox News and MSNBC, and is a member of The Television Critics Association and the Broadcast Journalists Television Association. Berman began his career in research at Katz Media, and worked at Viacom, GTG (Grant Tinker/Gannett) and NBC before seguing into programming at QVC and rep firm Seltel. He was employed at trade magazine Mediaweek (now Adweek) as the Senior Reporter and Creator of original the “Programming Insider.” More recently, Berman was the creator and Editor-in-Chief for TV Media Insights at Cross MediaWorks.