
Seth Davin Norrholm, PhD

Translational Neuroscientist/Psychologist

Seth Davin Norrholm, PhD is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine, a full-time faculty member in the Emory Neuroscience Graduate Program, and a member of the Emory Clinical Psychology Graduate Program. I have spent 20 years studying trauma-, stressor-, anxiety-, depressive-, and substance use-related disorders and have published over 85 peer-reviewed research articles and book chapters. The primary objective of my work is to develop "bench-to-bedside" clinical research methods to inform therapeutic interventions for fear and anxiety-related disorders and how they relate to human factors such as personality, genetics, and environmental influences. My work has been featured on NBC, ABC,, USA Today, WebMD, POLITICO Magazine, and in Scientific American.