He's a Believer!

It's official. God believes in global warming. Or so says conservative religious commentator Pat Robertson.
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Washington, DC -- It's official. God believes in global warming. Or so says conservative religious commentator Pat Robertson, who is the latest prominent global warming skeptic to conclude that the debate is over and the evidence is in. "We really need to address the burning of fossil fuels," Robertson said on his 700 Club broadcast. "It is getting hotter, and the icecaps are melting, and there is a buildup of carbon dioxide in the air."

Only last October, Robertson accused fellow evangelicals who were speaking out about global warming of having aligned themselves with "left wing environmentalists," and he hosted Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe, perhaps the loudest skeptic remaining, on his 700 Club. Inhofe, as of this morning, had not recanted.

But this year's weather made Robertson a believer.

Inhofe, unfortunately, isn't the only politician who's still clinging to the sinking "global warming is a myth" ship. House Majority Whip Ray Blunt is not prepared to jump ship over the chance that humanity might be destroying the Lord's creation -- the idea that disturbs Robertson. Blunt promised this week that, if he continues as House Whip, there will be no meaningful action on global warming. "I think the information is not adequate yet," he said.

Here's What Science Said Global Warming Would Be Like:

Sailors in the navy at Norfolk Naval Station in Virginia Wednesday were signaled by black flags -- don't exercise strenuously outdoors -- it's too hot for the Armed Forces.

And Here's What We Can Do About It:

From the New York Times:
"Britain could generate up to 20 percent of the electricity it needs from waves and tides, according to an estimate by a government-financed group here called the Carbon Trust. That is about 12,000 megawatts a day at current usage, or three times what Britain's largest power plant produces now ... a recent report identified San Francisco Bay as being the largest tidal power resource in the continental United States. 'There are tremendous resources for generating power along the northern coast of California,' said Uday Mathur, a renewable energy consultant to government agencies and private enterprises."

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