4 Qualities of Healthy Emotional Risk Takers

There are healthy risks and unhealthy risks, so it's about identifying how comfortable you are with risks -- in every area of your life.
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Smiling woman hugging herself
Smiling woman hugging herself

When you look at the phrase "risk taker," what does it evoke in you?

Fear? Irresponsibility? Crazy?

Typically, we think about risks in terms of physical ones, athletes at the X Games, rushing down a mountain and flying over a jump. Or people who take monetary risks, like gamblers betting insane amounts of money at the casino.

Risk takers are often seen as thrill seekers or irresponsible.

Yet most business people, especially entrepreneurs, are risk takers, too. If not for them, we wouldn't have boutiques, microbreweries, smartphones and more!

There are healthy risks and unhealthy risks, so it's about identifying how comfortable you are with risks -- in every area of your life.

There are athletic and financial risk takers but also emotional ones, too. And in my work, I've come to see how people can be healthy emotional risk takers.

What does that mean?

Emotional risk takers are willing to move beyond the comfort zone, willing to push through areas that cause emotional pain or a limiting belief.

If you're ready to be a healthy emotional risk taker, here are the qualities to foster:

1. Open Mindedness

There's a great Louise Hay affirmation when she talks about having a flexible mind. She says: "Just as living in a flexible body is more comfortable, so is living in a flexible mind."

Think about open mindedness as the willingness to question. Is what you know, how you do something the only answer or is there another way?

2. Look at Life Differently

Once you open your mind and consider other options, then you get to decide. Our lives are an accumulation of our choices. The only thing blocking you is your mind and your willingness to try something else. What would it take for you to decide differently?

3. Quality of Fearlessness

This is the idea that you do it anyway. Lets face it, we're all scared but do you let the fear stop you or do you just go for it?

You can foster fearlessness by stepping out of your comfort zone. By speaking those words of truth to a loved one, by making that phone call to your parent, by sending an inquiry email.

Do it anyway. Even though you're scared, even though you don't want to, even though it feels uncomfortable.

Many of us are afraid of failure and so we don't push ourselves. But the only way to grow is to move beyond the familiar.

4. Impervious to Judgment

For many years, I worried about what other people thought of me. Did they like me? Was I doing what they wanted me to do? Until I realized that I was living my life for me, not for anyone else.

And honestly, why did I care what anyone else thought? I was letting my fear of being judged hamper my willingness to follow my dreams, to speak my truth.

Emotional risk takers are willing to do the hard work of digging in. They want to understand their behavior, how it negatively impacts them and are willing to look at things differently.

If an old pattern isn't working anymore, are you willing to try another way?

Often the only way to do this is to walk through the pain.

Recently, I worked with a client whose marriage was falling apart. Together, we focused on her healing. That meant she had to be willing to feel the sorrow and grief, to mourn the relationship. We also created a plan of self care for her.

Alternatively, instead of walking through the pain, she could've remained stuck, entrenched in a lifestyle and marriage that no longer worked. She was miserable but because it was familiar, it felt comfortable.

Yet she chose to be a healthy emotional risk taker, to re-examine her life, her assumptions and beliefs. Doing this enabled her to choose again and re-create her life to really serve her as she is now. After all, we always have the opportunity to go through life or grow through life.

Being a healthy emotional risk taker enables you to embrace and grow in your life right now.

Shakti Sutriasa is committed to helping people find their passion and purpose through life coaching, counseling and workshops. Isn't it time you were living the life you deserve? Learn more.


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