Always Infinity Box Features Quote About Friendship For No Reason (PHOTO)

3 Things That Would Be Less Confusing On This Maxi Pad Box

Is it just us, or is a quote about friendship totally useless on a box of maxi pads?

When @The_Beheld tweeted a picture of an Always Infinity box featuring the quote "I love how my girlfriends know me so well they can finish my sentences," we were just as confused as she was.

While we appreciate that Always understands the importance of good friends in a woman's life, here are three things they could have put on that box that are much less strange:

1. A diagram of female anatomy -- just in case anyone needs a quick refresher course.

2. A crossword puzzle -- still weird, but not that weird.

3. A quote about, you know, women's health? Or at least something relevant.

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