Children Make Up 43 Percent of Subway-Fare Dodgers Says Report

Children Make Up 43 Percent of Subway-Fare Dodgers Says Report

Height matters, especially when you are small enough to duck the turnstiles in the subway.

According to a new report from the MTA, children taller than 44-inches -- the maximum height they can ride for free -- made up 43 percent of of fare-beaters, reports the New York Daily News.

Some parents they spoke to feel they are entitled to let their kids ride for free, regardless of how tall they are.

West Harlem mom Janet Carrion told the paper she doesn't pay for her 8 and 9-year-old sons to ride the subway: "We pay for every little thing, and the fare is too expensive to begin with," she said. "I don't feel guilty."

Subway riders who spoke to NY1 said that they feel there should be a discount fare for children over the height limit traveling with a parent.

The report -- which was presented at a think tank conference and is not considered an official MTA document -- also found that 24 percent of fair-dodgers slipped through open or unlocked exit gates, while 32 percent avoided paying by jumping turnstiles and entering with more than one person at a time, reports the NYDN.

Last year NBC reported fare beaters cost the MTA an estimated $27 million a year, not the $7 million that they had previously estimated.

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