That Feeling When You're Trapped In A Box Of Whirling Money

There's five million yuan in the air.

There are few greater joys in life than that feeling when you frantically collect money from the inside of a glass room whirling with cash.

Ten lucky tourists recently won the opportunity to experience that bliss for exactly one minute thanks to a sweepstakes organized by Hangzhou Songcheng Park, a popular Chinese theme park. The images show five million yuan -- a cool $760,000 -- up for grabs.

The stunt was organized to celebrate the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year, according to ImageChina.

Stacks Of Money
Here are the stacks of money that will soon be swirling like foliage in a leaf blower.
A Chinese tourist comes face to face with a tidal wave of money.
Here Is That Feeling We Mentioned
Try to grab as many 100-yuan banknotes as you can!
Fun For The Whole Family
A Chinese little girl does her best.
Here's how they did. Great job!

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