Fuel Cell Stickers for Charging Gadgets

Fuel Cell Stickers for Charging Gadgets

Slap a sticker on your cell phone and consider it charged. Well, that's the goal of myFC, anyway.

The Swedish-based company is working to make charging hand-held devices incredibly easy and efficient, and they've devised the FuelCellSticker, which could be just such a solution.

We already have convenient (though not perfect) fuel cell charging available to us. But even small chargers take up a bit of room. myFC, however, is a flexible, 0.11 inch thick, 0.2 ounce charger that is as portable as the device it charges. It provides 0.9 watts of power at 0.5 volts, and is stackable so additional cells can be used as needed.
Read the full story here.

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