7 Grandparent Myths: Do They Match the Reality?

The 7 Biggest Grandparenting Myths

Columnist Barbara Graham puts conventional wisdom to the test

Grandparenting: Myths vs. Reality

Before joining the grandparent club, I listened to my friends who were already members wax poetic about the wonders of their new role. You will fall madly in love! they said. It's better than being a parent! they exclaimed. You get to have all the fun without any of the responsibility! And the icing on the cake: The grandchildren will adore you since you won't be the one telling them no!

These and other pronouncements have all turned out to be true—up to a point. But within about two minutes of becoming a nana, I realized that, for me at least, grandparenthood is a bit more complicated than the warm, fuzzy Hallmark version I was expecting. Here are seven myths about being a grandparent—and the corresponding realities that have become apparent to me since the birth of my first grandchild.

Myth #1. Grandparenthood Is Better Than Parenthood—All The Joys, No Responsibility.

7 Grandparent Myths: Do They Match the Reality?

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