How To Market Your Health & Wellness Company

How To Market Your Health & Wellness Company
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How To Market Your Health & Wellness Company

How To Market Your Health & Wellness Company

On a daily basis we teach prospecting and marketing strategies to our Rank Makers Group. And, today I want to share some tips to help you build your health and wellness business.

There are two ways to build your network marketing business, prospecting and marketing.

Prospecting is active. You're reaching out to an individual. It could be you reaching out to people online, offline, cold market (people you don't know), or warm market (people you do know). Reaching out to them through Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, at the grocery market, networking meeting, ect. Prospecting is you initiating a conversation with an individual.

Marketing is passive. It’s where you're doing something in hopes an unnamed individual reacts or responds to. So, marketing is posting a Facebook status update and hoping someone reacts or responds to it. Hope that they see it and maybe send a private message. Or it's a blog post, video, Facebook Live, or an ad. Marketing is passive and you hope that someone reacts or responds to it but you don't know exactly who.

Marketing Your Health & Wellness Company

When it comes to marketing, what should you talk about? if you're in a health and wellness network marketing company should you talk about making money? Or should you talk about health and wellness?

If you charge down a path of, "I'm gonna talk about network marketing, I'm gonna talk about the skills to build a business," you'll build a following. If you keep down that path and you stay congruent with that path, you will build a following.

Same thing with health and wellness, leaning toward the product. If you wanna talk about losing weight, if you wanna talk about feeling great or having better beautiful skin, or the best things to do for your hair, ect. If you keep down that path and you stay congruent with that path, you will build a following.

Suggestions For Marketing:

1. Stay Congruent In Your Marketing

Marketing is on purpose, it's by design. The worst thing you can do around marketing is have a health and wellness blog, and make one post about the ORAC level of Himalayan blueberries, and the next post is on making money from Craigslist. That's incongruent and it doesn't line up.

If you're seen as talking about multiple things then you won’t be seen as an authority in either of those things. If you talk about the ORAC score of Himalayan blueberries and making money from Craigslist then you're just not gonna be seen as an authority in either of those scenarios. So, in your marketing be congruent.

2. Pick What You Want To Talk About

Should you talk about health and wellness, or should you talk about making money?

It's up to you. Pretty much anything works if done consistently. Ask yourself what do YOU want.

What do you want to talk about? What fires you up?

If you get fired up talking about ab exercises to get those six pack abs, then rock it out. If you get fired up talking about business, communication, sales, and marketing, then rock that out.

The important thing is don't be confused by what other network marketers are doing.

This happens when people go to a network marketing convention, and someone crosses the stage and says, "I just market to college kids." And then people are like, "Oh man, I need to do that. I'm not even hitting college kids."

Well, that might be your niche or it might not be. Just because you're aware of someone else making something work doesn't mean you have to do it.

Remember, who you want to become the authority of when it comes to your marketing.

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