How To Pivot Early In Your Career

How To Pivot Early In Your Career
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A version of this article originally appeared on Forbes. Sign up for my newsletter to get my articles straight to your inbox.

Millennials job hop. One study found that 91% of surveyed millennials expected to stay in their jobs for less than three years. The average American has more than seven jobs before turning 29, and roughly a third of them last six months or less.

So we should be pros at transition.

And yet, every working millennial I know has struggled at one time or another to make a career change. Many (like me) call it a quarter-life crisis. But author, speaker and career coach Jenny Blake, author of PIVOT: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One, doesn't see it that way. These professional predicaments are, Blake believes, a chance to pivot.

"A pivot is a change you make of your own volition when you have reached a point in your career when you are ready for increased challenge and impact," she writes.

A crisis is something that happens to you. A pivot is something you do.

But how?

Plant, scan, pilot and launch, Blake argues. These four steps are the basis of her book. Recalling my three pivots in the three years since I graduated college, I roughly followed Blake's outline. But I did so blindly and anxiously. I wish I'd known my process was right on schedule. Below are three takeaways from both PIVOT and my own pivots:

I'm not crazy ... but I may need to compromise.

Every time I pivot I wonder if my preceding discontent is just a bad attitude--"never good enough", a common millennial mentality--or if it's my gut telling me something needs changing.

Such confusion is exacerbated by family or friends who (kindly) say we're crazy for wanting something different. But sometimes, sums Blake, "the grass really is greener" elsewhere.

While others' experience and external education should help shape our decisions, only our intuition should trigger them. (Research supports this view: experts who use their intuition to make decisions in their fields make better decisions than comparable experts who don't.)

If you have a nagging feeling that you're not where you're supposed to be, listen. If evidence (like you reading this article) points to you being professionally discontent, take it seriously.

Note that you don't need to quit your job and/or move to Thailand to make a change. You may not even need to leave your pasture, but it's time to address your yellow grass.

On the other hand, millennials are occasionally too optimistic about landing dream jobs.

It may be unrealistic to seek a position that fulfills our every possible desire--especially early in our career. Blake's "Pivot Hexagon" helps articulate potential trade offs. It includes:

  • Structure: "routine, predictability, set schedule"
  • Adventure: "excitement, creativity travel, variety"
  • Time flexibility: "flexibility to choose how to spend one's time each day"
  • Money: "steady cash flow"
  • Freedom: "ability to choose one's own projects, where one wants to work and with whom"
  • Security: "minimizing risk and uncertainty"

Ranking these priorities can help direct our decisions.

My purpose might be unexpected.

Sometimes we pass over a potential source of purpose because it's unconventional or unfamiliar.

One vehicle toward purpose is meaningful projects. Cambridge University professor and author Brian Little found that if personal projects are "meaningful, manageable, and effectively connected with others," we up our prospects of fulfillment and wellbeing. Sometimes purposelessness stems from feeling like we're failing at everything. If we focus on a couple meaningful projects, we're more likely to complete them, thereby boosting both our confidence and our impact.

Another way to find purpose in your work is becoming good at it. In her new book Grit, University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth explains that, while a sense of purpose is necessary for perseverance, perseverance itself produces purpose. Aimless job hopping therefore may not be fruitful. Moreover, becoming an expert in your desired field "will become your most powerful generator of new opportunities," explains Blake.

Sometimes purpose comes from a distinct, in-demand role. Blake recounts the story of Amy Schoenberger, who was feeling uninspired by her work at a PR firm. Schoenberger wanted a change in her daily activities, but she loved her company. When a new social media role opened up, no one wanted it. She decided to take it and master it. Her newfound fulfillment stemmed from being needed. Schoenberger told Blake,

If you don't know what you want to do next and you are feeling stuck, do the work no one else wants to do. It may lead you to a surprising and rewarding answer about what you like, what you are good at, and where you can differentiate from everyone else in your industry.

Finally, altruism is such a well-known producer of purpose that it's sometimes, oddly, not taken seriously. But it may be the single most effective channel. Blake admits, "The one thing that has brought me peace in my most unclear career moments is rededicating myself to serving others. That's it. It doesn't have to be more complicated than that."

Inspiration is insufficient.

Over-preparation is a sign of procrastination. Blake warns of the "fauxspiration foe". This is where we read inspiring articles about career change (like this one!), browse countless websites of people doing what we want to do, obsess over what path to take, get a coach or pay for development courses, and then ... do nothing.

Understanding yourself, your field and your goals means nothing if you don't act on it. Pivoting is not "reading, thinking, curating, organizing, outlining, filing, shuffling, emailing, hoping, making coffee, drinking coffee, or drinking another cup of coffee," Blake writes. These things may be essential to your pivot, but they don't make the pivot; they don't "count for output."

If you're procrastinating, enforce deadlines. Examples include: launching by X date; taking X months to explore Y; making X move by Y date.

There is, however, such a thing as too much action too quickly. We shouldn't settle, but we also shouldn't "push the river," Blake notes. "Don't push the river" is a Zen saying that reminds us we can't force life's rhythms. Career change, like a river, will flow at its own natural rate if given a source--a plan and an action accompanied by patience.

One way to measure a successful pivot is to ask the questions that Jason Shen, a content marketer turned product manager, relayed to Blake:

Am I learning? Am I growing? Are these skills, experiences, and connections going to be valuable in the future? Is this making me a better person, and do I enjoy the people I work with?

If you felt anxious reading this article, Blake may know why: Sometimes our first reaction to gut instincts is "Nooooo. No. It can't be that. I'm not ready for that. I can't possibly do that. I don't have the strength to face that head on."

Each time I pivoted I felt this dreading compulsion. Because growing is hard.

But there's also no other choice. Alan Watts explained that change and death are necessary parts of life. "To work for their exclusion is to work against life."

Pivoting isn't a matter of "maximizing your potential". It's a matter of living. You can't say no. So go. You will change, or change will happen to you.

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