10 Jobs Where Workers Are Most Likely To Hate Their Boss: PayScale

10 Jobs Where Workers Are Most Likely To Hate Their Boss
boss shouting at employee
boss shouting at employee

Hate your boss? You might want to blame your career choice.

The job site Payscale ranked the jobs where workers are most likely to hate their manager, based on a survey of 24,000 respondents. All in all, despite what you’ve been led to believe by your significant other's constant griping, only 6.9 percent of respondents said they "hate their boss."

(Editor’s Note: Writers and editors ranked pretty far down on the list at number 34. See? I told you we're not that bad!)

Nearly one in five chemists hate their boss, according to the survey. Dental hygienists also apparently aren’t fans of the person in charge.

Reasons for loathing your team leader can vary of course, but a common one may simply be that he or she is a jerk. According to one report, 41 percent of American workers say they've been "psychologically harassed" on the job.

Here are 10 jobs where workers are most likely to hate the boss:

Before You Go

10. Actors, Producers And Directors

Jobs Where Workers Hate Their Bosses

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