Katie Couric Needs to Get the Facts on Women's Rights in Afghanistan

You've probably heard of's outrageous pro-Afghanistan-War cover art. Now, Katie Couric has compounded the distortion by giving's Rick Stengel an even bigger megaphone for his outrageous pro-war spin campaign.
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By Robert Greenwald and Derrick Crowe

Katie Couric needs to get all of the information on the situation of women in Afghanistan.

You've probably heard of Time Magazine's outrageous, pro-Afghanistan-War propaganda cover art. If you missed it, Time ran an image of a woman whose nose was cut off next to the headline, "What Happens If We Leave Afghanistan." As supporters of women's rights, we were outraged by Time's gross distortion of this critical issue, and we said so.

But today we were shocked to find that CBS News' Katie Couric compounded the distortion by giving Time Magazine's managing editor, Rick Stengel, an even bigger megaphone for his outrageous pro-war spin campaign.

In Couric's most recent webisode, Stengel made easily disprovable claims, including that the rights of women have been "modernized" and that women's "lives have changed." As we show in the Rethink Afghanistan segment on women's rights, these claims can be easily disproved.

Women's rights in Afghanistan are under constant assault right now, often from within the U.S.-backed Kabul government. As journalist and filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy says in the segment above,

Since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, cosmetically, things have improved for the women in Afghanistan...But really, if you look beneath the surface, has life improved for women in Afghanistan? Absolutely not.

We're very concerned that Hamid Karzai doesn't have a strong track record on women's rights. He has a history of trading off women's rights when it was politically expedient. Whether it's signing off on a Shia Personal [Status] Law that denied women custody of their children, denied them freedom of movement and said that they had to seek permission from male relatives when they want to leave their house, or pardoning gang rapists when it was politically expedient.

Couric even called Time "brave" for such a cheap caricature of the choice before the American people.

No, Katie, Time Magazine was not "brave." Brave is a word we should reserve for people like Orzala Ashraf at the Afghan Women's Network, who told Rethink Afghanistan:

I don't believe and I don't expect any outside power to come and liberate me. If I cannot liberate myself, no one from outside can liberate me.

Let's make sure nobody gets away with the ridiculous claim that war helps women caught in the crossfire.

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