Leadership Re-defined: Individuals Who Step Up to Create Positive Change

To be a leader you have to combine both brains and heart to accomplish goals and to create impact.
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True morality consists not in following the beaten track but in finding out the true path for ourselves and fearlessly following it.
Mahatma Gandhi

The textbook definition of leadership, according to Wikipedia, defines leadership as a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. In my opinion and experience though, while these are two great components of leadership, they're not enough in today's world to truly define leadership.

To be a leader you have to combine both brains and heart to accomplish goals and to create impact. Here's also the thing - a leader isn't just defined as someone designated by hierarchy or corporate structure. You will find leaders at all levels within an organization, as well as in the community they're involved in. They are seen in all walks of life. Leaders are individuals who step up and want to create their mark in the world. They're obsessed with making a difference and creating positive change.

What we're truly seeing today is a new group of leaders. Namely, ones who want to do well by doing good. They're both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who often seem to be possessed by their ideas, committing their lives to changing the direction of their business, community, the environment or the way we do business. They are both visionaries and ultimate realists, concerned with the practical implementation of their vision to lead with impact.

By re-defining leadership as individuals who step up to create positive change, we open the possibility to those who may not normally see themselves as leaders to take on a leadership role in ways they hadn't imagined before. How can you then evolve motivation and leadership traits in yourself if you feel called to follow this path?

  • Create your own unique leadership style. There are a ton of leadership and personality assessment tests that are implemented within the business world. They can be exciting in the beginning, but tend to quickly be filed away. After all, who really thinks proactively about how you were assessed and what the "recommended leadership style" is for you? In the beginning you might be mindful of what others said about you during your 360 assessment, but when you're pushed toward deadlines and obstacles, you operate from a mode that helps you accomplish those goals. Instead of trying to follow some prescribed cookie-cutter leadership style, go and make your own assessment. What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses? You can then ask those around you to give you some traits as well. Also notice when you're feeling really good about yourself at work, how were you showing up? In the same vain, when you're frustrated and unhappy, were you displaying behaviors that actually go against your core being? Make it a game to become your own 360 degree observer. List everything that provides you with energy to succeed and also what depletes you. Based upon this list, make a conscious effort to utilize those traits and behaviors that are what makes you unique and gives you drive.
  • Develop yourself to develop your mission. Personal growth of the leader helps the organization or project grow and evolve. Those who thrive in helping advance their personal mission are those who have made themselves invaluable and magnetic with their personal approach, attitude, knowledge and expertise. They've moved away from thinking that anyone owes them and have taken full responsibility for their vision. The claim their mission by creating a memorable personal brand that ensures that the right people can support them in accomplishing what they've set out to. They use tools and follow up through consistent daily actions in their organization or community to make an impact and fashion memorable and remarkable experiences for those they want to serve. As a result they inspire others to join in.

My hope is that by re-defining leadership for you, you take on the challenge to live out your personal mission and inspire other change-makers. You can then serve as a role model proving that those who channel their passion into action - and walk their talk - can do almost anything.

Do you need some help with building your personal brand around your personal mission and the legacy you want to leave? Learn how here.

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