This Woman Celebrates Marriage Equality With An Awesome Makeup Tutorial

This Woman Celebrates Marriage Equality With An Awesome Makeup Tutorial

From these adorable photos of kids celebrating equality to Ben & Jerry's giving its cookie dough ice cream the most perfect new name, people are rallying around the Supreme Court's recent ruling in favor of marriage equality with rainbow flags galore.

Comedian Megan MacKay turned to a palate of rainbow eyeshadow to show her excitement. In a new video for, MacKay hilariously uses face makeup as a metaphor for the historic gay marriage ruling.

"Spread it [foundation] evenly over your face, covering everything equally. Imagine your face is like every American citizen, and foundation is the right to express your love through state-recognized matrimony," MacKay says in the video.

As she applies products like "Bye Bye DOMA" primer and "Obergefell v. Hodges" foundation, MacKay also provides a quick overview of gay marriage in the U.S.

"When I make a makeup tutorial, I always try to include information about the chain of events leading up to what I'm talking about, a little bit about how and why the subject is relevant to everyone, and the implications it may have for the future," MacKay told HuffPost.

"I wanted people to understand why it was so important for SCOTUS to explicitly uphold the right to marry someone of the same sex on a federal level, rather than simply striking down section 3 of DOMA and leaving it up to State governments to decide."

While celebrating the ruling with rainbow eyeshadow, MacKay reminds viewers that equality in some areas is still spotty -- and she uses concealer to cover areas where some anti-gay state laws left a blemish.

But MacKay's message is about more than just cosmetics -- the YouTuber told HuffPost she "wanted to end [the video] on a gentle reminder that same-sex marriage is a big step in the right direction, but we still have work to do."

And she does it all while putting on eyeliner. Talk about multi-tasking.


Before You Go

No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family.

Gay Marriage


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