Michele Bachmann's Most Famous Quotes, Illustrated (PICTURES)

Bachmann Quotes, Taken Literally

Rep. Michele Bachmann, now a GOP presidential hopeful, has made her fair share of statements that don't quite make any sense. But that hasn't stopped her from continuing her political rise.

Now that Bachmann is a "serious candidate," she's felt it necessary to correct some of her misstatements, starting when she noted that the town in which she announced her candidacy was not the hometown of John Wayne, the movie star, but actually John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer. (So far she hasn't corrected her claim that John Quincy Adams was a founding father.)

The world Bachmann lives in sounds like a cartoon, so we thought it would be appropriate to illustrate this world. Vote for your favorite portrait of Bachmann's quotes taken literally.

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Bachmann Quotes, Illustrated

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