Nanotechnology, Happiness, and The Future of Medicine

Nanotechnology, Happiness, and The Future of Medicine
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People who are really into technology and the promise it holds for advances in medicine get really excited about "nanotechnology."

If you follow the techie news sources, you will often find articles about the advancements and prospects for nanotech such as fighting cancer and other diseases, just like in all the science fiction movies!

It is understandable how people can get excited at the prospect of having your doctor inject tiny nanobots into your bloodstream and watch them go straight to work on the problem they were programmed for. For example, seeking and destroying cancer cells.

Yes, one day this will surely be a reality. No question. Some are saying it will be a normal thing by 2050.

What people don’t understand is that this technology exists today!

Just in a much different way. We have things inside us called white blood cells. And T-cells. and myriad other self-healing technologies that were inside us the day we were born and have been there, fighting disease and sickness our entire lives.

We've also become aware of how our emotions affect our health. It's totally mainstream now. No doctor worth their salt would argue that emotions do not have a lot to do with how we handle sickness, or whether we get sick at all.

By being in control of our emotions, and being "up" more than "down," we know we are healthier and get sick less often, or at all.

Your nanobots are inside you, right now, reacting to how you feel.

Happy White Blood Cells
Happy White Blood Cells

And we're giving them instructions every single minute of the day. Sometimes the instructions are positive and sometimes they are negative. The difference between people who can control their health and happiness and people who live by their "default settings," is just that: they've taken control through meditation and mindfulness.

By default or on purpose; either way, you're telling your body what to do every minute of the day.

What do you think you are telling your little nano disease fighters when you are angry? Sad? Even depressed? If you have a "why bother" attitude on the outside, what do you think that does to the morale of the little freedom fighters inside you? When we soak our cells in any of the lesser emotions, that's when we become sick. It's no coincidence.

The trick to a long healthy life is thinking and feeling on purpose rather than letting outside factors dictate how you feel. How you feel mentally is reflected completely in how you feel physically. Inside, little nano things are listening to what you're feeling and thinking and carrying out their jobs (or not) based on those feelings.

It's All About The Moment; Mindfulness

Laura Kubzansky, Harvard associate professor of society, human development, and health, has been interested in emotions and health for a long time. She's found some pretty incredible correlations between people who live on the happier side of life and reduced coronary heart disease.

Here's her take on being in the moment:

“When I’m playing piano,” she explains, “I’m in the moment. I’m not worrying or thinking or trying to work out a problem. I’m just doing this thing that takes all my attention.”

That insight is also at the center of her research. “Everyone needs to find a way to be in the moment,” she says, “to find a restorative state that allows them to put down their burdens.”

If you are coming from a place of fear, anger or any of the lesser, lizard emotions, I believe those little nanos inside us start to lose interest in the jobs they were created to do. Conversely, if you are happy, thriving, and vibrant more often than not, your little healing helpers are exactly the same - and more than willing to do their jobs at 100% efficiency.

Nanotechnology exists today. Right now! It's in you and it is awaiting your instructions.

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