'Ooho,' Tiny Edible Water Blob, Could Be A Major Solution To Plastic Bottle Waste (VIDEO)

This Edible Water Blob Could Solve Plastic Waste Issue
Plastic Water Bottle Floating in Pacific Ocean, Santa Monica, California, USA (Photo by Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Plastic Water Bottle Floating in Pacific Ocean, Santa Monica, California, USA (Photo by Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

What's one solution to the growing problem of plastic water bottle waste? A trio of Spanish design students think they have the answer, and it involves creating a "water bottle" that you can eat, reports Co.Exist.

Designers Rodrigo García González, Guillaume Couche and Pierre Paslier call their creation "Ooho," a gelatinous blob that is actually a membrane that encapsulates water like a bladder. When you're thirsty, just puncture the membrane and drink. Or, if you also have an appetite, just pop a bite-sized Ooho in your mouth and chomp down for a burst of hydration. The gooey membrane, made from brown algae and calcium chloride, is edible, hygienic and biodegradable.

The Ooho globule is formed through a process called "spherification," a methodology first pioneered in 1946 and still utilized by some chefs in modern cuisine. Water is frozen into ice before being encapsulated to ease the process and prevent the water from mixing with the membrane ingredients. The bag-like containers are also incredibly cheap — each one costs just 2 cents to make, and they could even be concocted at home.

"Anyone can make them in their kitchen, modifying and innovating the recipe," said co-designer García. "It's not DIY but CIY — cook it yourself."

Similar products have already made it to the market; an edible food delivery system called WikiPearl is available at select Whole Foods markets. Ooho is the first such container designed specifically for replacing water bottles, however.

One immediate use for the Ooho water containers could be for running sports events. Runners often hydrate by grabbing paper cups from spectators as they run, creating a lot of trash. Ooho offers an waste-free alternative; it could even be infused with electrolytes to give competitors an athletic edge.

The design was a winner of the second annual Lexus Design Award and will also be featured during Milan Design Week. You can view users testing out the Ooho water containers in the following video by Fast Company:

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