Peter McFarland Tasered By Police In His Own Home (VIDEO)

Peter McFarland Tasered By Police In His Own Home (VIDEO)

Police in Marin County, California are facing a lawsuit after two deputies tasered 64-year-old Peter McFarland in his own home.

The officers screamed "stop resisting" even while he lay incapacitated on the floor. They shot him with the taser three times.

The sheriff's office claims the video of the event is misleading and released this statement:

The decision to resort to the use of force is never taken lightly and deputy sheriffs (sic) undergo an extensive amount of on-going training to ensure those decisions are both appropriate and fall within the guidelines established by law and department policy.

McFarland had injured himself falling on his front steps and been treated by the paramedics before the two police officers showed and began tasing him for no apparent reason.

WATCH: (via WND)

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