The Language At The Root Of All Language

The Language At The Root Of All Language
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Linguistics, the study of language, has its origins in something far deeper, far more innate and primordial than most scholars recognize. The essence of language is rooted in the very essence of life. The sounds that birth existence and life are the same root sounds that are the essence of all language. By living in harmony with those root sounds, we cultivate a life in harmony with our very essence and with all of nature. The information will be brought out here with the same sequentiality that is common to every human being on earth, starting at the beginning with Mama.

1. Mama – The Primordial 'Mother'

When a baby is born, it instinctively makes the sound "Mama" and associates that sound with mother. Thereby, the words Ma, Mom, Mommy, and Mother are born. That sound associated with mother permeates all cultures, birthing similar sounding words in most every language.

It is remarkable that this instinctual sound produces a similar word in languages around the world that have been developed completely independent of one another. Not understanding this, some linguists believe that cultural migrations are the cause for the commonality between languages. That incorrect notion misses the far more profound and beautiful reality, namely the primordial source of language.

2. Ra – The Primordial 'Sun'

Linguists have noted a similar sounding name for the sun in ancient Egypt, South America, and India. Attempts have been made to attribute "Ra" to migrations over land and sea that brought a language to many parts of the earth. A more reasonable and accurate explanation is that the sound itself is innately and instinctively associated with the sun (just as "Ma" is associated with mother).

3. The Interconnection of Name and Form

Some words simply feel like what they mean. Contained in the sound of the name is the actual meaning of the word. The form or essence intended by the word correlates to the sound of the name. This principle of name and form is an ancient concept.

This concept goes far beyond imitated sounds, like "boom" imitating a loud noise. We are talking here about something much deeper. Just as the seed contains all the essential information to birth a tree, the primordial sound is the seed form of the meaning. One such example is the word "Pushpam," that means flower. The idea is that the essential sound of Pushpam contains deep within it the essence of what we mean by flower. It is as if in a perfectly pristine environment the word "Pushpam" was uttered, an actual flower would manifest.

4. Pure Language

A pure language is a language where, contained within the sound of each word, is its meaning. Name and form permeates every word and syllable in the language. Theoretically, there are an untold number of pure languages. When you listen to someone speak a pure language, you can feel it in your gut and in your heart. It's as if every word is alive, pregnant with the very meaning of that word.

Sanskrit is said to be a pure language. Even its grammatical structure correlates to the nature and structure of life itself. The more fully a culture lives in harmony with nature, the more prosperous the culture. It is like swimming with the current instead of against it. All aspects of the culture, including language, blossom. Conversely, as those aspects of the culture blossom more fully, they in return, serve to support the culture. The benefits then of speaking a pure language is that by living in harmony with nature, the culture receives the support of nature.

5. The Derivation of Languages – A New Understanding

To understand linguistics, we do well to study more than the migration of people and the language they brought with them. Every language has hidden at its depth an innate primordial language. Various languages have various degrees of purity and sophistication. Therefore, the words correlate with the meaning of those words to a lesser degree than a pure language.

6. "Mommy" Revisited

Psychotherapists explain that in infancy, the baby feels no distinction between mother and child. The child feels no boundaries with mother. They are experienced as one. During nursing, when the baby bites the mother's breast, the baby cannot imagine that it hurts the mother because the baby feels no pain. As explained earlier, the primordial sound for mother is "Ma." Similarly, the primordial sound for oneself is "me." So it is natural that a child's name for mother is "Ma-Me", Mother and I are one.

7. Mahalakshmi – The Source of Everything

Modern science and ancient scripture both explain that everything is unified. Everything, in its essence, is the same one thing. Mahalakshmi is an ancient Sanskrit (considered to be a pure language) name for Mother Divine, the Mother, the source of everything in existence. Contained in her very name is the explanation, the meaning. "Ma," the Mother, expresses herself through the limitless manifestation ("Laksh") throughout existence. Everything from grass to the stars above and all forms of life. The last syllable of Mahalakshmi ("me") gives expression to her full nature. Everything in creation is one with the Divine Mother: Mahalakshmi.

8. The 'Big Bang' of Language – From Nothing to Everything

The intimate connection between language with the nature and evolution of life is an incredible study. Modern physics tells us that everything emerged from the unified field which lies beyond the touch of materiality, space, and time. Like the ancient Seers, some modern physicists believe that the unified field is pure unbounded Consciousness, with no edge and no handle.

The primordial sound correlating with unboundedness is "Ahhh." It is the sound we make with a throat fully open -- nothingness, no edge, no limitation, no boundary. "Ahhh" is the sound
initiating the manifestation of existence, call it the Big Bang if you like.

The next syllable describing the manifestation of existence is "g." "G" is the negation of "Ahhh." Closed throat. Abrupt halt. Full stop. Thingness emerging sequentially out of no-thingness. Duality born out of the oneness of unbounded Consciousness.

Similarly, contained within a pure language is the knowledge of the manifestation and nature of life. A pure language sings the song of life by virtue of its own nature.

The study of a pure language becomes justification of its own validity. No stone is left unturned. No aspect of reality stands in contradiction. The language itself is pregnant with all knowledge of life and existence.

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