Time for GOP to "ex-Foley-ate"...

Etymology: Latin, past participle ofto clean away repugnant detritus. From Latin- +page-turner.
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Main Entry: ex·foley·ate Pronunciation: eks-'FOE-lee-ateFunction: verbEtymology: Latin exfoliatus, past participle of exfoliare to clean away repugnant detritus. From Latin ex- + foleyum page-turner transitive verb1 : to cast off malignant obese "voxum" (speaker-hastertitus)2 : to remove the oily layers covering ugly bones (boehner-um) 3 : to scrub off an entire layer of necrotic cells (republicanus omnes)intransigent verbalus1 : requiring abrasive use of a shaped loofah (bilius oreillus)

(Pardon my Latin)

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