Top 5 Party Schools in the United States

While college can be an exciting time it can also be a challenging time as most students seek to find their own identity outside of their hometowns and finally become whoever or whatever they are destined to be. For many, this is a time that you discover the leader inside of you while others discover the partyer inside.
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College can be one of the best experiences in any teenager and young adults life. It is the first time that one truly gets a chance to experience freedom of speech, style and lifestyle. Gone are the days that you had to ask mom and dad if you could go hang out and gone are the days that you are forced to wake up to go to school every morning. Say hello to free will.

While college can be an exciting time it can also be a challenging time as most students seek to find their own identity outside of their hometowns and finally become whoever or whatever they are destined to be. For many, this is a time that you discover the leader inside of you while others discover the partyer inside.

Every weekend across the country thousands upon thousands of parties are taken place from frat parties filled with all types of bongs to parties at your local club. The college party industry is far from suffering these days.

Don't be mistaken, college is not solely for partying it's a place in which you embark on an amazing journey of adulthood; however, many people see college as the chance to only have the time of your life. For this reason alone the annual U.S. News and World Report college rankings has released its' top 5 best party schools for those who care more about having a good time than education:

  • Ohio University
  • University of Iowa
  • Florida State University
  • Tulane University
  • University of Illinois
  • University of Texas
  • Syracuse University
  • University of Wisconsin
  • University of Mississippi
  • University of Michigan

Did your university or alma mater make the list? How do you feel about it? Leave your comments below.

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