Will Obama-Mania Lead Us to Solartopia? Yes We Will!

Rebirthing Detroit as a clean, lean, green machine with union labor making carbon free cars and the New Solartopian mass transit network we really need...
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Will Obama-mania lead us to Solartopia? Yes We Will!

A Solartopian, Green-Powered Earth.

Yes We Can!

A solution to global warming.

Yes We Can!

The birth of a world economy built totally and entirely on renewable energy and increased efficiency.

Yes We Can!

The permanent burial of King CONG (Coal, Oil, Nukes & Gas).

Yes We Can!

A stake through the heart (if it had one) of a nuke power industry defined by 50 years of proven failure.

Yes We Can!

The end of fossil fuels (and fools).

Yes We Can!

Reviving and reinventing a mass transit system murdered 1920-1950 by King CONG's General Motors and Standard Oil.

Yes We Can!

Rebirthing Detroit as a clean, lean, green machine with union labor making carbon free cars and the New Solartopian mass transit network we really need.

Yes We Can!

Transforming the corporation from an entity with human rights but no human responsibilities to the other way around.

Yes We Can!

Re-making the American banking and finance system to lock its investments into a sustainable future rather than one designed solely to enrich its chief executives.

Yes We Can!

Inventing a green legal system that forbids the production of anything that cannot be 100% reused and recycled.

Yes We Can!

Imposing a permanent ban on the use and mis-use of all toxic chemicals.

Yes We Can!

Planting a definitive shift in food production from factory-based mega-agribusiness to eco-scaled organic farming built on self-sustaining communities and families.

Yes We Can!

Ending forever the power of money to buy our elections.

Yes We Can!

Establishing an electoral system, with the Electoral College abolished, based 100% on hand-counted recyclable paper ballots, with automatic voter registration for all who turn 18, with easy advance voting including a four-day holiday weekend, concluding with a time for the nation's high school and college students to manually count (and recount) each and every ballot.

Yes We Can!

Protecting the 2008 election with a vast army of justifiably proud Americans who successfully dedicated themselves to avoiding a replay of the thefts of 2000 and 2004.

Yes We Did!

Dethroning a political party whose forty-year domination brought us imperial war, financial bankruptcy, ecological suicide and near-dictatorship.

Yes We Did!

Surviving (barely) eight years of the worst (but unelected) president in the history of the United States.

Yes We Did!

Electing our first African-American Chief Executive.

Yes We Did!

Relying on this man to get us to Solartopia.

No We Won't!

Sitting back and relaxing now that "all our problems are solved."

No We Won't!

Being disappointed, disheartened or disillusioned if this extraordinary but very human being goes astray.

No We Won't!

Being proud that in 2007 and 2008 citizen grassroots movements (see NukeFree.org) helped stop federal loan guarantees for new reactor construction that would have doomed the transition to Solartopia.

You Betcha!

Doing it again in 2009 and beyond.

Yes We Will!

Knowing we must also stop state-based rate rip-offs in Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas meant to fund new nukes as they're being built.

No Nukes, Y'all!

Remembering that even green technologies can be subject to corporate abuse, and that all energy sources must ultimately be community-controlled.

Yes We Will!

Embracing the hidden power of communal harmony as the real solution to both climactic global warming and human global wierding.

Yes We Do!

Understanding that Obama-mania for Solartopia is not about any single individual, but about a successful community commitment to winning a sustainable green-powered Earth.

Yes We Must!

Remembering that as with Abe Lincoln in 1860, Franklin Roosevelt in 1932 and John Kennedy in 1960, the spiritual surge that won this election is an inner liberating force pushing us up the arc of human evolution, however bumpy the ride.

Yes We Can! Yes We Did! Yes We Will!

See you on the Barack-cade ... and in the jail cells, the computer cells, the solar cells, the human cells....

Harvey Wasserman's SOLARTOPIA! OUR GREEN-POWERED EARTH, is at www.harveywasserman.com, along with HARVEY WASSERMAN'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. His "Solartopia Show" is broadcast at WVKO-AM 1580 Air America in Columbus, Ohio. This first appeared at www.freepress.org, and will be featured in the winter 2008-9 edition of Pathways Magazine.

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