Embracing Nuclear Power Like a Religion

Whether out of indoctrination, misguided belief, an obsession to "control nature," the lure of the cult, closeness to power, job security, the "nuclearists" have a religious allegiance to their technology.
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Nuclear scientists and engineers embrace nuclear power like a religion. The term "nuclear priesthood" was coined by Dr. Alvin Weinberg, long director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the laboratory's website proudly notes this. It's not unusual for scientists at Oak Ridge and other U.S. national nuclear laboratories to refer to themselves as "nukies." The Oak Ridge website describes Weinberg as a "prophet" of "nuclear energy."

This religious, cultish element is integral to a report done for the U.S. Department of Energy in 1984 by Battelle Memorial Institute about how the location of nuclear waste sites can be communicated over the ages. An "atomic priesthood," it recommends, could impart the locations in a "legend-and-ritual...retold year-by-year." Titled "Communications Measures to Bridge Ten Millennia," the taxpayer-funded report says: "Membership in this 'priesthood' would be self-selective over time."

Currently, Allison Macfarlane, nominated to be the new head of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, says she is an "agnostic" on nuclear power -- as if support or opposition to atomic energy falls on a religious spectrum. Meanwhile, Gregory Jaczko, the outgoing NRC chairman, with a Ph.D. in physics, was politically crucified because he repeatedly raised safety concerns, thus not revering nuclear power enough.

Years ago, while I was working on a book about toxic chemicals, the publisher asked that I find someone who worked for a chemical company and get his or her rationale. I found someone who had been at American Cyanamid, the pesticide manufacturer, who said he worked there to better support his growing family financially.

But when it comes to nuclear power, it's more than that -- it's a religious adherence. Why? Does it have to do with nuclear scientists and engineers being in such close proximity to power, literally? Is it about the process through which they are trained -- in the U.S., many in the nuclear navy and/or in the insular culture of the government's national nuclear laboratories? These laboratories, originally under the Atomic Energy Commission and now the Department of Energy and managed by corporations, universities and scientific entities including Battelle Memorial Institute, grew out of the World War II Manhattan Project crash program to build atomic bombs. After the war, the laboratories expanded to pursue the development of all things nuclear. And is it about nuclear physics programs at universities serving as echo chambers?
Whatever the causes, the outcome is nuclear worship.

And this is despite the Chernobyl or Fukushima Daiichi catastrophes. It's despite the radioactive messes exposed at the Rocky Flats nuclear weapons production facility and at Los Alamos and other national nuclear laboratories most of which have been declared high-pollution Superfund sites where cancer on-site and in adjoining areas is widespread. It's despite the continuing threat of nuclear war and the horrific loss of life it would bring and nuclear proliferation spreading the potential for atomic weapons globally. Still, they press on with religious fervor.

"Most of them are not educated about radiation biology or genetics, so they are fundamentally ignorant," says Dr. Helen Caldicott, a founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility whose books include Nuclear Madness. "They are 'brought up' in an environment where they are conditioned to support the concept of all things nuclear." Further, "nuclear power evokes enormous forces of the universe, and as Henry Kissinger said, 'Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." And "they practice denial because I think many of them in their heart really know that what they are doing is evil but they will defend it assiduously, unless they themselves or their child is diagnosed with cancer. Then many of them recant."

Linking the "nuclear priesthood" to the Manhattan Project is Michael Mariotte, executive director of Nuclear Information and Resource Service. "The scientists involved weren't really sure what they were unleashing, and had to have a certain amount of faith that it would work and it would not destroy the world in the process. After they saw the destructive power of the bomb, they were both proud and horrified at what they had done, and believed they had to use this technology for 'good.' Thus nuclear power was born," says Mariotte. "The problem is when you have this messianic vision that you are creating good out of evil, it is very difficult to turn around and realize that the 'good' you have created is, in fact, also evil."

Kevin Kamps, radioactive waste watchdog at Beyond Nuclear, says ever since the first test of an atomic device, "the diabolically-named 'Trinity' atomic blast, when Manhattan Project scientists placed bets on whether or not it would ignite the Earth's atmosphere, it's been clear something pathological afflicts many in the 'nuclear priesthood.' Perhaps it's a form of 'Faustian fission'--splitting the atom gave the U.S. superpower status with the Bomb and then over a 100 commercial atomic reactors, so the 'downsides' have been entirely downplayed to the point of downright denial. Perhaps the power, prestige and greed swirling around the 'nuclear enterprise' explains why so many in industry, government, the military, and even apologists in academia and mainstream media, engage in Orwellian 'Nukespeak' and monumental cover ups....The 'cult of the atom' has caused untold numbers of deaths and disease downstream, downwind, up the food chain, and down the generations from 'our friend the atom' gone bad."

A parallel situation exists in Russia, the other nuclear superpower. Dr. Alexey Yablokov, a biologist, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and environmental advisor to Presidents Yeltsin and Gorbachev, says the nuclear scientists there refer to themselves "atomschiky" or "nuclearists" and "think and act as a separate, isolated caste." From the beginning of nuclear technology in the Soviet Union, they "were enthusiastic about the great, the fantastic discoveries of splitting the atom and developing enormous power. This 'secret knowledge' was magnified by state secrecy and a deep belief -- in the Soviet Union as in the United States -- of atomic energy 'saving the globe.' There is a remarkable similarity in the argumentation of these groups here and in the United States. Step-by-step, they turned to an atomic religion, closed societies, a 'state inside a state.'"

Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, scientific director of the Manhattan Project, in his 1955 book The Open Mind, wrote: "The physicists felt a peculiarly intimate responsibility for suggesting, for supporting, and in the end, in large measure, for achieving the realization of atomic weapons....In some sort of crude sense...the physicists have known sin."

Whether out of indoctrination, misguided belief, an obsession to "control nature," the lure of the cult, closeness to power, job security, or their seeking to perpetuate a vested interest, the "nuclearists" have a religious allegiance to their technology. On a moral level, they have indeed sinned -- and continue to do so. On a political level, they have corrupted and distorted energy policy in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world. On an economic level, they are wasting a gargantuan portion of our tax dollars.

Choices of energy technology should be based on the technology being safe, clean, economic and in harmony with life. Instead, we are up against nuclear scientists and engineers pushing their deadly technology in the manner of religious zealots.

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