Michael Sam

Inspired by Michael Sam and the Pulse nightclub shooting, Justice Horn chose to come out in a sport where gay men are a rarity.
“But I thought, when he ... you know, when -- when he was really going at it ..."
The presumptive GOP nominee sounded uncomfortable when two men kissed on television.
Still, he has no regrets about his coming out journey.
Because no young person should ever "feel like they can't be comfortable being who they are."
"I wanted to be the one to tell my own story. I didn't want someone to tell it for me," he said.
The athlete says he'll also "train to get back to football."
Sam's career in professional football has been beset by troubles after he made history with his draft in the NFL.
A dos meses de que salga a la venta su nueva producción musical, Jaime Kohen envió un boletín a medios de comunicación: los convocaba a un evento en el Museo Memoria y Tolerancia donde hablaría abiertamente de su preferencia sexual "para plantar semillas de tolerancia en nuestra sociedad".