rubiks cube

The world record holder for the fastest time to solve the Rubik’s Cube with his feet is trying to beat his own record.
The world record holder for the fastest time to solve the Rubik’s Cube with his feet is trying to beat his own record.
Eighteen-year-old Vako Marchelashvil of of Tbilisi, Georgia, spent six months preparing to the break the previous Guinness World Record of five cubes.
And we're still trying to solve the original at all.
Even the most accomplished cuber will need at least an hour to do this one.
Engineering students at the University of Michigan spent three years developing the world’s largest free-standing, hand-solvable Rubik’s cube. The massive puzzle weighs 1,500 pounds.
Because somebody has to give the sprinter some competition.
Lucas Etter is the first person in recorded history to solve a Rubik's Cube in under five seconds.