Can Quantum Physics Explain God?

Using science, it appears we can now explain how we interact with God (the universe) through our thoughts.
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Theology and science were never good bedfellows -- until recently.

Last week, we talked about the role religion played historically and why it may be failing us at this point in our evolution. Using science, it appears we can now explain how we interact with God (the universe) through our thoughts. Ancient biblical text, through its rituals, taught us to pray, to chant, to meditate in order to ask God to manifest our desires. Now, it is clear that there is a boundary between science and philosophy, between reality and fantasy. That boundary is Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics is the steppingstone between ourselves and the Universe, between what we want and making it actually happen in the natural.


It all starts with the photon, that little corpuscle of light. A photon is a packet of energy of a given wavelength; light of certain wavelengths we can see. Thus red, blue, yellow are all visible wavelengths to us, while infrared, ultraviolet and gamma rays are not. From here, a scientist named Max Planck defined an equation to describe the energy of light. He said that a given photon's energy is equal to its frequency times a constant named after him, that we call Planck's Constant. This simply formula is written as E = h v, where "h" is Planck's constant, and "v" is the photon's frequency. Planck's constant being a very small number, being equal to 6.63 x 10 ^-34 Joule-seconds, so we can expect the energy of a single photon to likewise be equally tiny. But remember that in a given beam of light there are far more photons than there are blades of grass in your backyard.

Albert Einstein Does Not Like Quantum Mechanics

Now, something else that figures in here was actually contributed by one of Quantum Mechanic's biggest detractors, Albert Einstein. He said that energy and matter are the same thing, that all matter is comprised of energy. His equation is the even more famous, E=mc^2, where "m" is an object's mass and "c^2" means the speed of light squared. So all matter -- you, me, this post you're reading, the computer you're reading it on -- is made up of energy. But what is energy? Well, Einstein went on to say that light is, in fact, a very small particle with the energy described by Planck's equation, so energy in it's purest form is carried by photons of light. Thus, we are all of us made up of constrained light.

We speak of light like as if it is a particle, even as we say that photons are discrete packets of energy. But light has a wavelength, which makes it a wave. So is it particle or wave? The answer is both. Thus we have two of the basic precepts of Quantum Mechanics. The first: Energy is not a continuous stream, but actually a stream of discrete, if very small, units that we call quanta. The second is that photons behave both like particles and like waves. It sounded pretty weird at first, but as people thought it over they realized that it did explain why electrons are found only in certain energy levels.

Energy makes up matter, electrons are a form of matter, so electrons are made up of energy, which means photons. Light being comprised of streams of individual particles then forces electrons to inhabit only specific energy levels when in orbit around the nucleus of an atom. When an electron gives up or receives energy, it is doing so in the form of giving up or receiving photons of light (of which it is comprised). Since photons are seen to come in discrete packets and not continuous streams of energy, then an electron is limited to exchanging energy solely in multiples of these minimal packets of energy; no fractional amounts of a single photon are allowed. When in orbit around the nucleus of an atom, then, if an electron is to move closer to or farther away from the nucleus (i.e., raise or lower its energy), it can do so only in multiples of a photon's energy. This translates into there being very specific energy levels that an electron can obtain in orbit around the nucleus. It's like the steps on a ladder: You can't climb up half a step. The steps would be the energy levels and the spacing between the steps determined by the size of a photon.

This insistence on discrete energy levels dictates how atoms interact with one another, which forms the chemistry of bulk matter -- everything from the stars to ourselves. So it can be seen that the nature of the very littlest of things can have a tremendous impact on everything else, on the nature of our reality. The formation of matter in our reality is, at its essence, the result of brain waves.

Thoughts = energy
Energy = matter
Thoughts = matter

Our thoughts are the language of the universe -- the frequency of our thoughts, not the words that we use to describe our thoughts. The Universe/God sends us back exactly what we are asking for. It is not listening to our words though, only our brain waves. The universe does not judge; it simply returns what we are projecting out with our brain waves. These waves can be measured and represent our consciousness. It is our consciousness that creates our world in the natural. Hence, for the first time in the history of man, ask and it shall be given is a biblical truism that can be explained using Quantum theory.

"The Point of Power", available now on Amazon. He is also the author of "It's None of My Business What You Think of Me!: If You Want to Change Your Life ... Change the Way You Are Looking at It". His website is

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