5 Types of Toxic Employees and How to Overcome Them

While employees are hired so the boss can better spend his/her resources doing high-level decision making, bad employees can keep the boss busy all day putting out fires.
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Shakespeare once said "uneasy lies the head that wears the crown." Most of us dream of how easy it would be to be the king--err, boss, not realizing the responsibilities that come from managing employees. While employees are hired so the boss can better spend his/her resources doing high-level decision making, bad employees can keep the boss busy all day putting out fires.

None of us can completely check our personality at the door, so we tend to bring our habits, good and bad, into the workplace with us. We can be supplicative, combative, competitive, or cooperative. A boss has to be tuned in to how employees interact with each other, and see not just their work output but how they affect those around them. Everyone wants attention, but they might go about it the wrong way. This infographic from GetVoIP diagnoses five types of toxic employees to look out for, and proven techniques to bring out the best in even the most problematic employees.


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- http://www.fastcompany.com/3023318/leadership-now/how-to-overcome-the-6-most-toxic-employee-behaviors

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