Michael Should Have a Bed of His Own

Michael is 8-years-old and has lived in 7 different foster homes. How is that even possible? It shouldn't be.
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Every couple of weeks, on this blog, I introduce a film about a child in foster care who is eligible for adoption.

This is the time of year kids are preparing to graduate from high school, and deciding which college they will be going to, while others, like my youngest kid, are graduating from college and preparing to enter the workforce. My husband and I just visited my son at school where the excitement and hope of things to come palpitate in every young person I met.

I think about the children in this series who without a doubt have the intelligence and curiosity to excel in school. Hopefully they will. But the odds are that many will not. Without the security, encouragement, and love of a family, it will be so much more difficult for them to get through their teen years and make their dreams of the future become realities.

Today I'm introducing you to Michael. Check out this little boy. He is one of the all-time great kids of the world. He's smart as a whip, incredibly articulate and open. He loves school, animals, people; he's enthusiastic and so so sweet.

He's 8-years-old and has lived in 7 different foster homes. How is that even possible? How can a person thrive, no matter how positive they are, if they are uprooted every year?

I'm not going to say any more about him because Michael truly speaks for himself. He says he wants a "bed of his own". He needs a family of his own. What lucky people that family will be.

For more information on Children's Action Network's film series, Change a Child's Life, featuring great kids just like Michael in need of a loving family, or to learn more about foster care adoption log on to www.childrensactionnetwork.org or call 800-525-6789.

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