A Letter to Voters for Congress on Marianne Williamson

It's not just a new conversation we need in order to deal with the pressing issues, it's a new way of conversing altogether.
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A man gives his life to uphold a system of representative democracy only then to be rejected by it, by his home, his people; by the very system he sought to serve. While there are many magnificently democratic systematics we've established, we have, nevertheless, clearly developed a pathological process of installing this governing exemplified by this all too common reference. Money, self righteousness and private greed perpetuate our own disengagement with, like the Veteran, the very system we put into place to enable us. In the political context of affecting social change, new methods can make a difference. Though as the strategies are all largely available, it's not so much these methods that matter as it is the methodologies of implementation. In other words, we have the ideas and means to solve the challenges we want to solve, but it's the way we're going about these agendas that seems to have become defunct. Moreover, it's not just a new conversation we need in order to deal with the pressing issues, it's a new way of conversing altogether.

Marianne Williamson has written more than ten books, six of which were New York Times Bestsellers, four of which have been #1 New York Times Bestsellers. But that's not why I support her for Congress. I support her because she holds the intersection of spirituality and discipline with complete rectitude. This is where driving consciousness evolution and the perpetuation of compassion is met with proactivity, grounded in participation. She really walks the talk. And I don't think it's a career in politics that excites her so much as her actual interest in the process of serving our collective culture for the greater good. I believe she decided to run for Congress because it was perhaps the highest calling of personal service for her to viably broaden her positive impact on social change. Marianne's fingerprint demonstrates a track record of genuine care for the lives she now seeks to represent. Having globally engaged audiences as a speaker, and having signed enough book deals, she's also proven a mastery for business. The kicker here though is that all of her successes are merely byproducts of her commitment to sharing, healing, awakening, and inspiring human beings -- and these artifacts yield a prolific reach because they originate in authenticity from her core of integrity, m.o. of laser-like clarity, and relentless proactivity.

I support Marianne Williamson for Congress because I care for this world, this country, this state, this city -- and placing her voice in the Capitol would generate a ripple effect that permeates outwardly -- beyond the city, throughout the state, to the nation and the world. The embodiment of vision, coupled with pragmatism, is a powerful trait recognized in leaders who've successfully demonstrated the ability to mandate social enrichment on a large scale. I invite you to evaluate. Read about Marianne, share this, and if you like what she's about -- support her campaign. Voting for Marianne Williamson isn't so much a vote for new policy (though you can read about that at her site as well), it is a vote that says you want a leader who cares for human beings. You want the individual who influences the laws that affect you to be one whose character integrates compassion and assertiveness that is fueled only by the desire for a better world and the will to manifest that. It's not the party, it's not the bankroll, it's not the showmanship that should influence what we stand behind -- it's the values and trajectory of empathic life force that are the ultimate scales of assessment here.

This system of democracy we renew with our attention and participation in it, does it matter? When we elect someone is that person not a representative of our own highest ideals; an individual we entrust to carefully steward our interests through thoughtfully mandating law? There's nothing viable in the homogenized politic that breeds apathy through rhetorical roundabout while ultimately only serving private interest. Since I'm not in Congress formulating the laws that shape our world, I'd like the individual who is to not only have a history of profound human care, but also to have the probity to construct such mandates with moral compass and the conscience to do so for the collective greater good. Integrity, capacity; Marianne. One hundred percent.



Sebastian Siegel is a British-American writer, actor and filmmaker. Sebastian produced and directed the acclaimed documentary, Awakening World (Beyond Words Publishing), and is currently filming the second installment of that series, Spirit of Evolution.

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