dating and relationships

I'm writing this post with a lot of love for women who are nursing a broken heart.
Here are five common mistakes people make in the dating process, why they don't work, and some tips for how to overcome them.
What happens when you throw different sleeping styles -- and personalities -- into one bed? Or really, any two individual personalities into one of the most intimate and venerable situations we humans experience? It's actually quite fascinating.
So this is a simple plea: Demand strong feelings from your relationship. Demand awe and inspiration-not all the time, but at least with some regularity. Do. Not. Settle. If you're not saying aloud (or at least to yourself) "I love you" to your mate in six months or less, hit the "next" button. Have the courage to believe that something better is out there.
Learning the truth about time will save you from unnecessary stress and strain. Understanding when the universe supports certain actions versus when it urges you to be patient can help you make the best decisions possible. Become aware of the four universal time rules and start working hand in hand with your Divine timing today.
Having such strong feelings about another person shook me to my core. It made me re-evaluate my beliefs. I learned what it was like to really care about someone. Everything I had believed, everything I stood for, suddenly disappeared. I found a whole new world opened up for me.
Depending on your upbringing and past experience, setting boundaries in relationships may be easier or more difficult for you.
Before checking emails or answering phone calls, take the time to simply just be with your partner. Enjoy early morning hugs and kisses without thinking about all the stuff you have to do. Focus completely on the present moment of just being with them.
So, you've been going out for a while now. You're really feeling this guy and you can tell there's a mutual attraction. The vibes... my God, the vibes. He drops you off at your door, smiles that little smile, says he had a great time and leaves. No kiss. Ugh!